In the beginning everything is possible.
What is possible forces you to choose and to choose you have to renounce. With each rejection a book that could have existed disappears, and every choice brings you closer to the book that will eventually be.
Ediciones Posibles for sensitive souls, a publishing project created in Barcelona by "Los Llovbet".
Alex Llovet
He was born in 1974 in Barcelona, ​​and lives in the Collserola forest, on the outskirts of that city.
He studied humanities (UAB), film direction, and photography at the IEFC where he now works as a professor.
He has written and directed several short films and has published several photobooks and a novel. He has also participated in many group and individual exhibitions in numerous countries and photography festivals.
His work has been awarded several times among which include an honorable mention at Nexofoto, shortlisted as best photobook at: PRIX DU LIVRE ARLES, PHotoESPAÑA (twice), FELIFA and LUCIE PHOTOBOOK PRICE, selected at Voies Off Arles, PHOTO IS:RAEL, best emerging photographer at Photogenic Festival, and winner of the LENSCULTURE Critics Choice, LIFE FRAMER, POYLATAM (Best photobook), Arts Libris, and the Grants AFTM & Olot Photography.
He has given workshops and master classes at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), EINA (University Center for Design and Art), La Massana and the Joan Miró Foundation, among others. He also gives photobook creation workshops in his studio.
His work is represented by the CreatiBEty Agency and he is a member of the Photographic Social Vision Foundation, and the iStar Photobook Dummy Award advisory committee.
He is currently working on developing personal photographic projects characterized by the will to construct a conceptual poetic discourse, where subliming the everyday to uncover realities beyond appearances.
But in a past life Llovet was also a musician. Between 2001 and 2021 he co-led the band The Pinker Tones, publishing numerous albums, books and soundtracks, and touring the five continents playing live.
Josep Maria de Llobet
He was born in 1973 in Barcelona, ​​where he currently lives.
Independent photographer specialized in architecture and urban landscape.
Graduated in Law for the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, ​​he combined those studies with photography studies at the Institut d'Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya (IEFC) where he is now director and teacher.
He has also been part of the teaching team of the IDEP school and collaborates with the University by giving workshops in several architecture schools.
His photographic work is related to the urban landscape and develops mainly in disused spaces - he likes to define them as places out of place - especially in his hometown.
He has carried out large-format photographic installations in emblematic spaces such as the Modelo prison in Barcelona, ​​and exhibited in photography festivals and galleries from Spain and France.
He has published two photobooks and his work as been seen in national and international media. He has also participated as a jury in various photographic contests.
He has been invited as a speaker at congresses and festivals.
His beginnings as a professional photographer are linked to advertising, although his interest in the architectural space and the urban territory have led him to collaborate more and more assiduously with architecture and urban planning studios, construction companies, museums and public and private institutions.